
Staircase uses sequencers, probability, and MIDI data to modulate any mappable parameter in Live. The device features three source engines that can be summed to create complex and evolving modulation signals shaped by your live MIDI playback.

Supports Push 2 and 3 (Control and Standalone Modes)

Staircase Reference Manual

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System Requirements

Ableton Live Suite 12 and Up

Play Your Modulation

Staircase features three identical modulation sources (A, B, C), each with a choice of three engines: steps, weights, and MIDI. All three engines offer a variety of input configurations, such as MIDI note triggers or fixed clock pulses.

Sum Together

A mixture of all three sources can be applied to a single target, allowing for unique modulation shapes which you can map to any parameter within your Live Set.

Advanced Shaping and Probability

Each source engine includes various probability controls, allowing you to dial in the perfect modulation system. The six targets feature detailed control over parameter ranges, offsets, and logarithmic curves.

